Thursday, May 25, 2006

Distrurbing Old Navy Commercial

OK, is anyone else disturbed by the Old Navy commercial where a party comes out of some girl's butt? Then at the end, she pushes them all back up her butt?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Half Day Put to Good Use

So yesterday I took a half day and read "The Pleasure of My Company" by Steve Martin. (Odd but endearing in the same way "Shop Girl" was.)

I also listened to some Ryan Adams CD's from the library. That's some awesome blues.

I don't know what sparked my sudden urge to become more musically literate and well read, but...

Actually, maybe I do know. I've been thinking about going to Korea. Two of my friends are going and the more I think about it, I like the idea. I'm getting stagnant here. I've had the same job for almost 5 years and I've been living the same week over and over again. It's time to change and I might as well kick it off with a bang.

Nothing is holding me why not?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Will to Blog is Back!

So I dropped the ball...I warned you in post #1 that this wouldn't be a regular thing. Don't hate the blogger, hate the flame.

Anyhoo...I got the blogging bug again, and here it goes.

My friends are going to Korea. It's good, and it sucks too. Good that they will have an awesome time and get away from St. Louis for a bit. Bad for me that I will be friend short for a while. I haven't quite figured out what to do about that yet. Maybe a hobby or a class?

Good luck ye restless ambassadors of American culture. I'll keep you on top of the new and popular while you are away.