Monday, August 21, 2006

Paris Hilton Rates Paris Hilton

This is the best article ever! Paris Hilton is finally telling people that her music is awesome. Even to the point that she cries when she hears her song. To be honest...I nearly cry when I hear that song too. Of course, I cry because the song is so horrible a little part of me dies inside. That's hot.

Paris Hilton Strokes another way this time.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

50% of Americans are Idiots

So this confirms it. I always suspected it was somewhere between 20% and 40%, but it now looks like a full 50%. I'm so disappointed by my fellow Americans for believing in WMD's long after doubt has been removed. Then again it was a little less than 50% that voted for Bush, so maybe the idiot capacity is increasing. This is all very scary to me.

Half of U.S. still believes Iraq had WMD - Yahoo! News: "People tend to become 'independent of reality'"

Friday, August 04, 2006

You Can Take the Girl Out of Louisiana....

This makes me respect the music marketing machine even more. Somehow they packaged this as sexy and talented. Simply amazing!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Retarded Circus Bears...Ha!