Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Payday Korean Style

In most places, you'd have to be a stripper, drug dealer or general contractor to get paid in cash. Not in Korea. I get my monthly paycheck in a fat envelope filled with fresh bills. If you can have this done for you at least once in your life, it really is nice to actually see the brick of money you make. In Korea, the highest denomination is 10,000 won. I get paid about 2,000,000 per month so that's 200 bills. That makes for 2 nice wrapped bricks of bills. I hope I'll have a bank account in the near future. It will be really fun to bring a briefcase full of bills into a bank and request an account. There's something very James Bond villian-esque about that situation.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Vintage Whine

I have decided that no girls in the world whine better than Korean girls. They are able to emit this high pitched nasal whine while still producing syllables for speech. The whine sounds something like "boo lay boo." But with a tone similar to a rabid lamb being viciously consumed by a syphilitic wookie.

I might need ear plugs.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Frat Boys Fooled

So I'm torn about all this...
On one hand, I want to make fun of the frat boys that said Borat coerced them into saying masogynistic, anti-semitic and racist remarks. His method of coercion??? getting them drunk. That defense didn't work for Mel Gibson, so I don't see that woking too well for a couple of overpriveledged sphincters.

On the other hand, I'm kind of ashamed for Borat. It's sort of crass to taunt the mentally challenged.

'Borat' victims upset at being duped - Yahoo! News

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Test Week is Over!

Test week is finally over. It was like work hell. I'm hoping we can postpone the next one for a few months.
Some of my classes did great and some of my classes might as well stay home and play computer games. My director said the parents would ask if they know the things they missed on the test. I think we are supposed to go over the things they missed. For my good students, I will say they know it, but forgot temporarily. For my bad students, I will say they don't know it, and repeating it will not help because they don't listen. The parents will then beat their kids and tell them to listen. Hopefully, they will be good students after the beating. Such is the wheel of fortune Korean kids have to deal with.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Britney Drops Some Useless Weight

I get the feeling K-Fed will come out of this reasonably rich since he's the baby daddy of one huge star and one lesser star. If you read the article, they cite "irreconcilable differences" as the cause. I think that's just a nice way to say K-Fed is a no talent hack that latched on to a superstar and managed to drag her into the toilet. I really hope these kids spend a lot of time with English nannies.
Britney Spears files for divorce in LA - Yahoo! News

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sometimes They Write Themselves

Here's my Konglish of the day...
We were talking about gardeners and making sample sentences. Here are two that nearly made me die laughing and the kids didn't even know what was going on:

"He trimmed her bush then raped (raked) her backyard."

"He hung the ho(e) from a tree then worked on the bush."

Keep in mind, these are 8-10 year-olds. I think I'll try to tear these out of their books and frame them. This is almost as classic as my kindergarten grade card that says "Puts on rubbers" (boots) and it's checkmarked "no."