Friday, July 28, 2006

Debt Free at Last!

So I just agreed to sell my car. In that single deal, I'll make enough to pay off my school loans. At that point, I'll be completely debt free. It's kind of weird. I've carried debt in one way or another since 1995. Anything I make from here on out will be pure profit (less living expenses of course.) Here's the odd part...being debt free lowers your credit score. It's a crazy world folks...just plain crazy.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fun with Foreign Languages

Can you read Hangul? Recently, I've been trying to absorb as much Hangul as possible while practicing some basic Korean phrases. Here are a few of the brillant topics I can discuss:

1. Kim Bop chu-se-yo (I would like some Kim Bop)
2. Yong-o-rul hahl-jool asim-nika (Do you speak English?)
3. Gaum-sa ham-nida (Thank You)
4. Hwa-jung-shil aw-dee e-saw-yo (Where is the bathroom?)

So to sum up, I'll be living in a bathroom, asking about speaking English and eating Kim Bop...but I'll be thankful for it, so I got that going for me.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Paper or Plastic?

It's official. Credit card companies are trying to kill cash. It's pretty brilliant actually. Start with this generation of kids and slowly move everyone to a plastic-only economy. They forgot one little stopped playing Monopoly somewhere around 1986. I'd be surprised if kids these days could even fathom the subject matter. Now, if you could somehow work a credit card into Pokemon or those ignorant Bratz dolls, then you'd have something!

Sky News: Monopoly Takes A Chance On Plastic

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ipod Hacksmithing

When I get my Ipod, I'm going to mod the hell out of it to remove all that Apple-we-made-this-and-you-have-to-use-our-stuff crap. Normally, I wouldn't get an Ipod, but how can I turn it down if it's free? Among my ambitious Ipodly hackering: Custom disconnect screen, Winamp interface (intead of stupid I-tunes,) custom labels and Mp3 2-way transfer. I'll let you all know how it goes.

HOW-TO: Hacking the iPod firmware (changing the graphics) - Engadget

Friday, July 14, 2006

About 2 Months Left!

I wish I knew exactly when I was leaving so I could do a countdown. It's creeping up so slowly for me. I still have a bunch of stuff to sell before I leave, so I guess it's for the best. Anyone want to buy some used electronics?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Even Better Than Anti-American

I feel like this would be better with the Speed Racer theme in the background. Anyway...Kim Jong Il can make storms with his words.

Big deal...I can make the sound of one hand clapping.

Go! Go! Go!

Now That's Just Funny!

So I found this video from N. Korean TV and I just want to say I was with them on the Bush parts, but they lost me when we became a country of murderers.

Haven't they seen "Team America?"

Sunday, July 02, 2006

You are Now Free to Roam the World

I have recently been authorized by the US Dept. of State to freely roam other countries. Ha! Take that Botswana!