Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm Learning Korean

I probably shouldn't say I'm learning Korean like it's any other language. Sure, you people with your French and German think you are sooo cool. This is a language with a unique alphabet and unique phonetics. This is completely alien to everyone and it's only spoken by a very small population of people. It's almost like if all the people in LA and San Jose were suddenly replaced by elves. At first, it's good. You know...good-looking, long lived elves. Yay elves! They are very friendly and handy with a bow. But they mostly speak elvish and they mostly think they are better than you. Pretty soon you are like, "You know the sage wisdom thing is really getting on my nerves... AND THE ELEPHANT BEAST ONLY COUNTS AS ONE KILL!" So, yeah...I'm learning Korean.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

You Been Scrabbled

What fun. Autolistings of the music I play.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Who You Callin' Negroid?!?

I just found this. From now on, I'm going to require dates to fill this out on the first date.

Take the Quiz!

My personal favorites involve asking if the person is mostly caucasian, asian or negroid. Frankly, as a friend of black robots, I'm kind of offended. The questions about reading daily devotions from the revised KJV bible quickly followed by the husband having the final say point out that this might be better suited to zealots. (or Republicans...whichever is politically correct these days.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yeah! Get Him a Bodybag!

This is possibly the coolest video next to the elephant that plays harmonica. Look closely and you will see most of the cast of Karate Kid as well as Mr. Belding. Oddly enough, most of those guys still look like they did in the movie.

Necessitas Un Nueva

Avril Lavigne's new crazy-maker. En Espanol where available.
Seriously...I can't stop listening to this. Make it stop.
Novia (In Spanish)

Girlfriend (Ala Frenchie)

Girlfriend (In Mandarin Chinese)

Girlfriend (In Acoustic Douchebag-ese)

Girlfriend (Original USA MTV version)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Thanks for the Update Blogger!

So I haven't posted for a while because I couldn't access my account. It seems Blogger updated and forgot to tell me about it. After a few hours of trying to login and trying to use all of the help menus, I finally got Blogger to load and migrate. What fun.

Anyway...back to the usual crap.