Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas in Korea

So here's what I did for Christmas:

1. Had 4 rum and Cokes.
2. Told a girl I great girl liked her a lot. (But can't date her because her best friend likes me. It's a long tragically romantic story.)
3. Went to a bar that was a sausage fest.
4. Slept in...yes in that order.
5. Ate Indian food for dinner.
6. Went to a bar called Santa Clause (It's not seasonal, that's just it's name.)
7. Got covered in salt from some asshole's snack bag. (It got chucked at me from an unknown location. If I had seen who did it, there would be an American style ass kicking ending in the person licking the remainder of said snack from the sidewalk. I'm about 2 feet taller than anyone in the country and I'm an American, so I don't put up with racist crap like that.)
8. Now I wait till midnight or so to do my Christmas calling.

Oh joy! I should have celebrated Festivus instead.