It seems there have been some recent advances in what I'd call redneck tech or farmology if you will. Just letting you all know. I think these were signs of the apocalyse.
Beer Launcher
Ever been in a foreign land and felt like it was home? I have had that a few times here. I just catch it every once in a while. In St. Louis, I'd have it a few times a month. I don't really feel like I'm home anywhere, it's just how I am. Probably it was the result of moving at crucial times in my life. I didn't have the family home that was kept for generations or the group of friends from kindergarten. I'm in a perpetual state of wandering. At some point I'll settle, probably not here. Probably somewhere that feels like home most of the time.
I loaded some new pics from Japan. It's not Tokyo, so don't be too surprised that it's not all that exciting.
So a student walked into class tonight and said, "Teacher babo." For those who don't know any Korean, that means "teacher stupid." Of course, I asked why the student would make that assertion. (Then explained what assertion meant.) She said I was babo because I can't speak Korean. To this I replied, "Parlez-Vous Français? Non? ¿Habla Español? ¿No? Spreken zie Deutsch? Nein? That's right, teacher is "babo" for knowing 3 more languages than you as well as a little Korean, so you need to sit down and zip your lip, chief, because you are way out of your league. It worked for a while, and my French and German are purely transactional, but we can keep that to ourselves.
I'm going to steal the 4th floor corner room. I've been there the longest and the view is amazing. Also, the room I have now is like a coffin. It will be nice to notice the passing of time or to see the weather changes. Besides...I'm an American, this manifest destiny thing is kind of our gig.
I saw this year's Super Bowl commercials. Most were lame reprints of the same old crap. "Hey look, there's a guy with an idiotic idea/haircut/pet/friend lets take his beer/soda/lifestyle item! Whoosh! Now the idea/haircut/pet/friend isn't so idiotic was it?" Please get a new formula guys. The repetition really only works for the Absolut magazine ads.
Hi I'm Troy, thank you.
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