Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Putting Koreans in Their Place Since 5:47

So a student walked into class tonight and said, "Teacher babo." For those who don't know any Korean, that means "teacher stupid." Of course, I asked why the student would make that assertion. (Then explained what assertion meant.) She said I was babo because I can't speak Korean. To this I replied, "Parlez-Vous Français? Non? ¿Habla Español? ¿No? Spreken zie Deutsch? Nein? That's right, teacher is "babo" for knowing 3 more languages than you as well as a little Korean, so you need to sit down and zip your lip, chief, because you are way out of your league. It worked for a while, and my French and German are purely transactional, but we can keep that to ourselves.